
Saturday, June 25, 2011

random readings of the week

It's been a LOOOOOOONG time since i've blogged. i know. 
It's been a week, bit bored. Nothing much to do. Boyf started class. been lazing around and have been figuring out with jobs and stuff. 

Well, that's enough of lazing around. I finished reading 2 books in the past week.  Spend one day finishing the first and the other took me 2 days. 

The BFG by Roald Dahl. - i actually bought the book. Maybe should have gotten it on ibooks, because now i would have the trouble to need to carry the book back. Hence, the benefit of ibooks. 

Everyone knows Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Regardless if you watched the movie or read the book. It's a must story. I have a few of Roald Dahl's book. (i'm a bookworm/book-collector) bad habit isn't it? 
Though this isn't an adult book, but it's a slight story that adults gotta be aware of bringing this book out as a story telling, as giant eating up kids isn't really very pleasing and something happy isn't it? But it's a fun book to read. The one part i love the most about Roald Dahl is how he makes up these extraordinary interesting words like snozzcumbers that has an illustration drawing that looks like a cucumber. or how he describe vegetables as icky poo vege. And so many other more. and yet they all make sense somehow and we understand it. 


The other book i took to read is a more realistic thing that would happen to any of us. I finish it in two days. 

Where Rainbows End - Cecelia Ahern. 
We all know the book/movie P/S I love you. but this book is different, It's about two best friends, and it's also about the love/hate complicated relationship they have. But what's interesting about this book is the perspective of the writer. It really puts you in the book itself. 

Won't be having any spoilers out. but it's a fun easy reading book. I bought this on iBooks. So i didn't have to worry about CARRYING the book around and collecting them. 

1 comment:

  1. I am also a bookworm weeee
    Buying books makes me happy. haha
