♥ This previous week, it has been lots of tears, and feeling of emptiness ever since hubby left. ♥
He must be really happy to go back home. =/
Last wednesday was Mooncake festival. i know i'm not a really religious person and it's not really a big deal. bla bla bla. But it's like one of the days where my grandma would give me money and buy me the lantern i want even though my mom wouldn't let me.
i cried that night, cz i didn't get a pink candle to light my lantern and walk around the dark. Guess it's time to grow out of it.
Speaking of it, i'm already 21. Doesn't feel any older physically or mentally at the slightest.
I wonder what would my grandma do if she was here. I bet she's gonna give me money and ask me to eat more and buy whichever candy i want or buy more nice pretty clothes.

my favourite.
I'm really specific with the inside flavors.
It's been a week since hubyb blogged already. I have a feeling that hubby's gonna stop blogging. [i did told u guys before didn't i?]
But, sigh. i can assure u guys, don't have to put high hopes on his blog. He wouldn't blog anything also.
I rmb his first post. and his second post. and his third or fourth post. And now it's just none.. ish..... diSAppointed.
faster update la.. i myself also lazy tell u already. later is u update cz i ask u to, not because u want to. then what's the point right? =(.
It's been a week plus since hubby left. I MISS HIM LAR!!!!!
i wish i'm home now. *sigh* can't take the pain without him being around.
donkey hubby.
bluek don't forget pick me up at the airport in november.