♥ Foooood ♥
i love fooodd.
and so does my hubby.
we both gain weight and became fat.

♥ But everytime when we go out to eat.
Hubby will always leave the best for me.
He knows what i love the best, What i hate
what i want at the moment by my looks at what i stare or what i point at.
HUbby also love to eat.
But hubby will leave it for me to eat rather than eating it himself.
and i will be like a baby just having it.
Sometimes i do say that i don't want.
But he won't take it and insist i have it.
[unless if i really don't want it]
whenever i'm faking it or whenever is real.♥
My hubby loves to eat, and i wish to learn to cook better so that hubby will love my food.
But i always fail to cook the best.
Sometimes, i feel bad that hubby always give me the best.
and i'm so stupid not knowing what to do about it.
Recently, i've been eating alot with hubby.
And everytime i will notice his action.
He will give me the first bite.
He will make sure it's not hot.
He will give me the best part of the chicken
He will pour sauce in my rice knowing i hate it being dry.
He will order 5 dishes because i wanna eat them even though i can't finish and he will finish it up for me.
He will let me see the menu and pick what i want at the restaurants and never say what he wants.
He will always finish up my food even though he's full.
He will make sure my water is next to me cz i always drink water and eat at the same time
He will always look up at me while he's eating half way to check if i'm ok or i'm choking or i'm eating well-enough
and there's so many things that he will be doing.
and it just makes me feel happy and bad at the same time.
HUbby ar hubby. where to find someone like you?

♥ i feel so lucky.
the luckiest girl in the world.
i love you baby. and i'm sorry if i never knew what's your favourite food or which part of the chicken you love best.
but i love you. ♥♥♥