♥ Going for a change. ;DD.
Firstly, gonna dye my hair. hehez..
OKie.. ;DD
i'm going towards between brown and red. ;DDD
either like the first one, first row,
The third one one the first row.
or the first one on second row.

♥ Or i was thinking this.. 'ginger'. HAHAAA..
but trust me.. if i did it.. It won't be so silky and smooth. ♥

♥tell me which color is nice ;DD ♥♥♥

Other than that, i'm thinking of getting a ceramic tourmaline straightener. ;DD
This is the GHD MK4. ;D. pink edition. hehez..
the whole set of it.. incuding and heat proof pouch and the package of it.
it's pink !!!

♥ But i did wonder if i should get the white one. ;D... ahhh..
i ♥ pink and white. =D

♥ Though GHD is a bit pricy. ;DD
and second choice is CHI.

what's the benefit of it?
-control of heat temperature
-auto turn off after not used for 30 min (so even if we forget we don't have to worry. ;D )
-it's slim and easy to handle
-due that it's 1 inch or 1.5 inch.. can curl also.. and can handle and straightener short strains of hair
-wet and dry also can use and won't damage the hair. ;D
and there's lots more. hehez..
Google and find out it you really want to know about it.
so, please comment on the hair color. hehez.
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