♥ it's one of the best cam you can ever get your hands on. ♥♥♥♥♥
they came out with a new bunch of them.
ohh. how i wish i could invest on them. lolz. ;DDD

it's 14.1 megapixel, with 3.0 LCD touchscreen.
HD movie recording. lolz.
8x zoom. [24mm to 250mm]. ;)))
and all that other features. ahhh..love.
this is not touchscreen. but it's still good.
i want the pink one. i don't care either FH3 or FH1.
the difference is just that 2 megapixel.
i want the pink one definately.
the green is cool. hahaa.. but i still want the pink one. ;D
comparing this and FH22. it's the same..
just that this is 4x zoom.
that is 8x.
i bet it's the cheapest among all the new sets.
cz the LCD is 2.7 qnd 2.5
but still very good. it's in my list. ;DDDDD
hey. don't look down on lumix.
it produce one of the top quality pictures.
i know i know.
everyone has been going. HEY, what about canon? and nikon?
even olympus advertises more than Lumix.
Well, i can say, it's not about the advertisements here.
Lumix's SLR's are NOT cheap. do you want photographers to go bankrupt?
i would say, if you want a good cam, for quality, go for lumix.
but if you want a nice fonts of lcd and pattern, then u either go for sony or canon.
please do not get nikon for compaq cameras..
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