Yesterday night [wednesday] me and the love went to watch Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows at TGV. part 1.
It's quite sad that this time they've split the movie into 2 parts, but there isn't much they could do either because the storyline was so long.

If you ask me, i'd say it's worth watching. I myself have loved fantasy, fairy tales, magic and all that stuff.
I've never missed a book or a movie of Harry Potter. Was always the first to get the book, first to watch it. [well, not literally the first]
I am not a HUG BIG fan of Harry Potter/Daniel Radcliffe.
This movie, directed by David Yates [Warners Bros. Picture] The seventh movie of the series and i could recall back the first movie, when they were all so small and innocent and it was just about magic and fantasy.
But now it has become all violent and dirty that some countries have been banned. I remember malaysia cut alot of scenes in the previous few ones like the kissing and so on.
Surprisingly, they didn't cut the naked bare back and the kissing this time.
I was just disappointed that now i have to wait till next year to watch the second part. By that time, i'm not sure if the love one would remember what happened in the first part.

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