- A red rose is not selfish because it wants to be a red rose. It would be horrible selfish if it wanted all the other flowers in the garden to be red and roses - O.W

Sometimes, it's hard not to be selfish. We always want something, to full-fill ourselves, or our love ones.
This might be a personal post. But it is something that is bugging me in my heart and i do what i normally do to let it out. What i'm gonna say here, i've told you beforehand. Here is just something i write it down in words, in black and white.
We've come a long way. At some point, it may seem like it has been a short while, and at some point, it seemed like forever.
Just as she has told you, you have made up your mind, you just needed to hear words and reason to make it yourself feel ease. Though i might have said alot trying to help or to make things easier for you. But i guess, once in a while we all need someone else to assure us. I hate bugging you everyday about it, because the more i bug you, the more i feel selfish. But i do need to get some things done. That's the only reason why.
I'm sorry if i made things difficult for you, or i couldn't help you and make things better in any way. If i had money, i already know a way to make you happy and easier.
What i'm afraid of you should know. And i guess, i would have to only say what is needed and the decision is all up to you. i know recently i've been quite annoyed.
I don't even know what i'm saying anymore. But all i know is, i love you. and i don't want to sound forcing and act selfish. I don't want to keep telling you what you should do instead of asking what you really want. which is what i should be doing.
If i have to will, if i have the power. i would drop everything, and go wherever with you.

1 comment:
i read ur blog
hmm. i guess i do hv some relationship problem too...
wanna share?
write to my facebook private message la k. lemme see if i can do anythin for u?
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