♥ LOL. please don't kill me. ♥

♥ My boyfriend.
the one on the left.. [the one arm crossed showing his watch]
LOL. see . he does that so that the watch can be seen. LOL
cz he wouldn't let me pay all. .
adorable lil fella there. lol♥
Anyway, He... the most unexpected person that would do/happen.
finally updates his blog.
In the beginning it was an everyday post,
and then now it drags down to an every week post.
and soon. it's gonna be a month.
and it goes dead.
i'll doubt that.
it happens to him!!
god knows why. ♥♥
♥ The kawan baik of his [the one on the right with the brown hair]
was the one who told me he had a blog.
didn't believe him at first.
but i clicked it. [anxious kills]
and tadah. there it was 3 post already.
but now if you click into there ain't new post up yet. ♥
i know. the friend part was random.
but i needed a recent picture of him.
so those.
i know he's gonna kill me and stop updating his blog cz he doesn't want people to know.
oh well.
Share the happiness, joys and suprises.
i love u
p/s. his link is 'boyfriend'
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