
Friday, October 30, 2009

♥another day ♥

♥ hubby is asleep right now. Just came home from fetching marcus to his gf's place.

argh *stretch ****

finally finish my advertising report for tomorrow.

going back home this sat.. can see me aunt. wohooo. ;DD. then party sat night.

and serious back on sunday. lolz.

presentation on monday, i'm so dead aren't i?

but i know i can do it.;DDD *kaching*

Time is passing by so fast and it's already 30th of october 2009! oh wow.

and in a flash time, my sem would be over. 3 more weeks.

the most stressing work is monday.

Oh god. this is why sometimes group assignments are so stressing us out.

Especially, when everyone has different.. personality. *ahem*

For one, i know i totally cannot do anything, and everyone is asking me to kick her out.

oh god. why do i have to be the bad person? but i can't, so i'm just gonna have to deal with it.

Then, not knowing anything about fashion is bad enough, but disagreeing with the fashion world. ok.. you got a problem there. sobs. Then there comes the problem of technology when pc's are so shitty and crashing AT THE END OF SEMESTER. what to do?

Blah. i might be so stressed out that i'm gonna end up doing EVERYTHING. ish ish ish.
why am i taking all the responsibility.

but anyways, it'll work out. it does all the time. ;DD ♥♥

love me. i know you do. ♥


ahhh, was chatting with May just now, felt so happy. lolz.
don't ask me why.
just being random.

hubby's asleep. maybe i should go disturb him. haha

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